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The Blog With An Ear On The Ground.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

My Love My Keke


Oh! My Keke! What a
wonder thou art. You
mean so much to many
people. Though often over
looked, you are part of
Nigerians everyday life. No
matter what people may
say, your value and
contribution cannot be
underrated. I know you
have come to stay and not
in a hurry to go.
You came into our lives in
the year 2002 as part of
poverty eradication
program. You were
introduced as an
alternative means of
transportation to ease
transportation problems in
the country. Another
reason for your
introduction was to
provide employment for
people who had hitherto
been idle with criminal
tendencies. So far, you
have not disappointed.
I must confess, the first
time I saw you, I was
amused. You looked funny.
In a way, you reminded me
of my dad 's Volkswagen
beetles (RIP). I dare say
that you are the younger
sister to Volkswagen
beetles. You both have the
same engine, produce
similar sound, the same in
odd shapes. Someone
might mistake you for a car
from behind because of
your back view that looks
like "danfo". But, a look at
the side or front view will
get the person
dumbfounded with
surprise. The question on
his/her lips will be: 'What is
this? Is it a Motorcycle or a
Car ?' The truth is that you
are neither of them, yet
you represent both. You
don 't have a steering
wheel like a conventional
car rather you have a
throttle like a motorcycle.
Have a roof like a car, yet
cannot be called a car. You
are simply "KEKE".
The only motorcycle with
three legs, the only car
without a steering, I salute!
You, whose Tires are as big
as that of a wheel barrow,
the only automatic ride
with a clutch. I greet!
Whoever designed you
deserve an accolade
because you were
beautifully and
wonderfully created. You
are a hybrid among cars. A
wonder among bikes.
You throttle like a bike, yet
produces the sound of a
danfo. You don 't over
speed. You move at a very
descent speed (maximum
speed limit of 80km/hr). A
friend of mine, while
admiring you, said you
glide like a snake. I quite
agree with her. People will
not notice this until you
carry them.
Driving/riding you could be
fun though tasking. You
require a lot of expertise to
be driven. With one leg in
front and two behind, a lot
of calculation is required to
be able to maneuver on
our roads. But, once
anyone has succeeded in
mastering the art and
science involved in driving
you, it becomes such fun.
What a jolly ride! I
encourage everyone to try
driving you some day.
Hope you don 't mind.
When night time comes,
your beauty radiates. Oh!
What a sight to behold!
Your headlights? Very
bright and fine. When your
headlight and one-way
traficator comes on at
night, I marvel at your
beauty. Recently I saw one
that has a very tech sound
system in it, playing NIGGA
RAW 's song (Obodo). I was
dumbfounded. Wonders
will never end!
People may be wondering
why I talk about you a lot
recently. Well, it is because
I found you out, discovered
your qualities and
potentials. Imagine how
life for a common man
would have been in Nigeria
with most of the states
banning okada. Imagine
the level of employment
you have created for
thousands of Nigerians.
You cannot take part in
crime because of your
speed. You don 't have the
required speed and
stamina required for an
armed robbery or
kidnapping operation to
Now, let them think of
how much you add to
Nigeria 's Gross National
Product(GNP), the
multiplier effect your
services has on the
economy. Your economic
benefits cannot be
overemphasized. So many
people are wealthy today
courtesy of you. So many
are employed, thanks to
you. So many families can
afford 3 square meals
today because of you.
Whether they want to
believe it or not, you have
in one way or the other
affected the life of every
Nigerian Directly or
What more do we owe you
than to show you love. On
behalf of about 150million
Nigerians, I say, thanks a
lot for coming into our
lives. WE LOVE YOU!

Jesus Loves You, and He is working for your good.

Jesus Loves You, and He is working for your good.

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